Embracing Openness | OpenPie Leading PostgreSQL's Code Contribution in China


OpenPie embraces openness and forms a brotherly relationship with the PostgreSQL community. PostgreSQL, one of the most popular open-source databases in the world, originated from the University of California, Berkeley, and is highly praised by a wide range of database users for its outstanding performance. Thanks to over 25 years of development contributions from its global developer community, OpenPie has been actively involved in various forms of contributions to the PostgreSQL community, leading the major code contributions in China. This includes code contributions, content contributions, speaker presentations, and participation in online and offline activities organized by the PostgreSQL community.


As is well known, PostgreSQL has evolved into a mature, stable, and powerful single-node open-source database product. According to the Stack Overflow 2022 survey data, PostgreSQL has surpassed MySQL and claimed the top position in three categories: the most commonly used database by professional developers, the most loved database by developers, and the database developers most want to use.

The number of global committers in PostgreSQL has remained relatively small (around 20+ individuals) for a long time, and it is rare to see Chinese contributors in the main contributor list worldwide. According to the 2021 PostgreSQL survey data, 85% of the respondents have never contributed to the PostgreSQL codebase, documentation, or submissions, and only 4% of the respondents have made a few contributions. However, within OpenPie's research and development team, many engineers have participated in code contributions to PostgreSQL, and they have made a considerable number of code contributions.

OpenPie's corporate culture of "open innovation" has attracted many engineers who are passionate about technology and open-source culture. Among them, several colleagues have made code contributions to PostgreSQL versions 11, 12, 13, 14, and the upcoming version 15. It is worth mentioning that in 2022, Guo Feng from the OpenPie R&D team has made 23 contributions to PostgreSQL, including 7 Review Commits, 2 Report Commits, and 14 Author Commits.

In addition to the PostgreSQL community, several R&D engineers from OpenPie have been actively involved and made multiple code contributions to other open-source communities such as ClickHouse, Kubernetes, and Spark. This group of individuals, who embrace openness and possess exceptional talent, has come together to inject strong energy into OpenPie's product development.


The cloud-native database, PieCloudDB, developed by the OpenPie, not only redefines PostgreSQL 12.X to achieve storage-compute separation but also creates a new elastic Massive Parallel Processing (eMPP) distributed technology. It builds a new data computing platform with a cloud-native, analytics-oriented distributed database as its core. The goal is to provide enterprises with cloud-based data storage and computing engines that include real-time processing, sub-second scaling, elastic computing, and integrated data analysis capabilities. This helps businesses maximize the value of their data, create new advantages for high-quality development, and serve as a reliable and controllable cloud database foundation in new infrastructure initiatives.

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