Embracing openness, OpenPie leads the major contribution to PostgreSQL code in China

OpenPie embraces openness and maintained close relationship with the PostgreSQL community. As one of the most popular open-source databases in the world, PostgreSQL originated from the University of California, Berkeley. OpenPie has always been actively engaged in the PostgreSQL community, participating in various forms of contribution, including code contributions, content contributions, lecturing, and participation in online and offline events organized by the PostgreSQL community.  And OpenPie made leading code contributions to PostgreSQL in China.


Thanks to the contributions from its global community of developers spanning over 25 years, PostgreSQL has grown into an excellent standalone open-source database product known for its maturity, stability, and powerful features. According to Stack Overflow's 2022 survey data, PostgreSQL has surpassed MySQL and emerged as the top choice for professional developers, being the most commonly used, most loved, and most wanted database. 


Survey Results Visualization of Stack Overflow (Image from Zhihu) 


The number of global committers to PostgreSQL has been consistently limited (around 20+ individuals), and it is rare to find Chinese contributors on the global list of major contributors (https://www.postgresql.org/community/contributors/). The 2021 PostgreSQL status survey data revealed that 85% of respondents had never made any contributions to the PostgreSQL codebase or documentation, with only 4% of respondents having contributed a few times. However, within OpenPie's R&D team, numerous engineers have participated in code contributions to PostgreSQL, with a substantial number of commits. 


Status Survey Data of PostgreSQL (Image from Zhihu) 


OpenPie's corporate culture of "Openness & Innovation" has attracted many engineers who have a passion for technology and open-source culture. Among them, several colleagues have made code contributions to PostgreSQL in versions 11, 12, 13, 14, and the upcoming 15. Notably, Richard Guo, a Software Engineer of OpenPie's R&D team, has made a total of 23 contributions to PostgreSQL's codebase as of this year, including 7 Review Commits, 2 Report Commits, and 14 Author Commits. 


In addition to the PostgreSQL community, multiple R&D engineers from OpenPie have been actively involved and made contributions to other open-source communities such as Kubernetes, ClickHouse and Spark. This group of individuals who embrace openness and possess exceptional talents has come together, injecting powerful strength into OpenPie's product development. 


 OpenPie Guo Feng's PostgreSQL Contribution Information in 2022 


The cloud-native virtual data warehouse, PieCloudDB, not only achieved storage-compute separation but also introduces a brand-new distributed technology called eMPP (elastic Massive Parallel Processing). This technology builds a new data computing platform with a cloud-native, analytical, and distributed database at its core. The aim is to provide enterprises with a cloud-based data storage and computing engine that incorporates real-time processing, sub-second scaling, elastic computation, and integrated data analysis capabilities. This helps enterprises maximize the value of their data, create new advantages for high-quality development, and serve as a reliable and controllable world-class cloud database foundation in new infrastructure initiatives. 

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